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Broke foot!

Posted: 10:51 am Jul 03 2005
by Indawoods
Damn! damn, damn!

Broke my foot last night.... not bike related other than I WAS going to go riding today. :evil:

I live in a split foyer house and was flying down the stairs and my last step before making the turn, I turned my foot to make the turn and it folded under on me. Heard and felt this POP! :shock:

After that I could feel it moving in there... haven't went to the Hospital yet... but on my way shortly. I want to make sure I make the LBL ride on Labor Day!

Posted: 11:26 am Jul 03 2005
by m0rie
That sucks hard Inda - Hope you heal up in time for the LBL ride. Keep us posted!

Posted: 11:43 am Jul 03 2005
by Indawoods
I'm going regardless....
And I will be riding...even if I have to get a cortizone shot!

Most people I see at work that get's this injury are back on their feet in 4 weeks. So, I'm not too concerned about it.

Best part is more Vicodin! :lol:

Posted: 02:54 pm Jul 03 2005
by Indawoods
Well... It is broke. They gave me this sweet "Body Armor Walker II" to wear. It is designed just like a MX boot except toeless. Don't mind wearing it a bit...especially since it makes my foot feel so much better. Should get some babes attention at work.... :wink:

Vicodins help the pain too!~ :lol:

Posted: 04:15 pm Jul 03 2005
by cmot
Well maybe you should wear your armor in the house.... :grin:
That happed to me not to long ago, Man it hurts!!! Get better. :supz:

Posted: 09:55 pm Jul 03 2005
by KDXer
That flat out sucks V. Heres to a full and very speedy recovery dude. :partyman:

I smashed 6 bones in my left foot a few years back and its the inconveinience that hurts the most. Oh and PHYSIO, PHYSIO, PHYSIO !!!

Posted: 10:41 am Jul 04 2005
by jafo
Hey Jeff Ward won his last Supermoto championship with a broken foot! Having anything wrong with you foot or legs sucks! I had a severe sprain ankle a few years back and it still bothers me to this day. The doc told me it would have been better if I had broke it. So maybe you will heal up better and faster than I did. I think your looking at least at 4 to 6 weeks. UIt took me 3 weeks just to be able to walk without crutches. That sucks man, I'm sorry to here it. :sad: I got to try my knee out yesterday on new trails and rode faster than I ever have on a bike on tight trails, it was awsome! Hope you heal fast bro!!! :supz:


Posted: 02:50 pm Sep 02 2005
by Green Hornet
I broke three toes in May-05 in my first H/S, which was in SAND (I HATE THAT CRAP, EVEN MORE NOW). Riding through deep sand whoops and a piece of sand pine (Small Log) was lying in the valley of the whoop. Well I hit it while shifting and (HOLY S&*T) by foot bent 90 degrees down. My foot was gangrene looking for the first week as well as swollen. Took about 3 weeks before I could ride again. ICE & HEAT is the only thing that helped. Well, Vicoden was fun also :supz: :supz:

Posted: 02:31 pm Oct 08 2007
by 2001kdx
Sorry about the old post, just scrolling through, and I was also given Vicodin, but it didn't help me at all! That's 2 pills at a time and I still felt nothing! 1000 mg I believe...

Vince, what was your dosage?

Posted: 07:12 pm Oct 08 2007
by Jeb
2001kdx wrote:Sorry about the old post, just scrolling through, and I was also given Vicodin, but it didn't help me at all! That's 2 pills at a time and I still felt nothing! 1000 mg I believe...

Vince, what was your dosage?
Ask your doc if you can supplement the Vicodin up with Ibuprofen . . .

When the block from my surgery wore off I was crawling the walls even though I was maxed out on the narcotics. The doctor-on-call told me to take 600mg Ibuprofen every 6 hours . . . after about 12 hours I was considerably better off.

But don't take my words as advice, call your doc . . .

Posted: 07:13 pm Oct 08 2007
by Jeb
2001kdx wrote:Sorry about the old post, just scrolling through, and I was also given Vicodin, but it didn't help me at all! That's 2 pills at a time and I still felt nothing! 1000 mg I believe...

Vince, what was your dosage?
Ask your doc if you can supplement the Vicodin up with Ibuprofen . . .

When the block from my surgery wore off I was crawling the walls even though I was maxed out on the narcotics. The doctor-on-call told me to take 600mg Ibuprofen every 6 hours . . . after about 12 hours I was considerably better off.

But don't take my words as prescription; call your doc, might even get ahold of whomever is "on call" tonight and get the pain under control . . .

Posted: 07:22 pm Oct 08 2007
by Indawoods
I would take 2 at a time every few hours... no problems...

Posted: 09:33 pm Oct 08 2007
by skipro3
Vicodin has no affect on me as a pain reliever also. It's your body's chemistry; the way it metabolizes the drug. Just about any narcotic has no affect on me in non life threating doses. One time, a long time ago when I was in the military, I was given 3 doses of morphine during an emergency awake surgery. I felt every slice and every tug and every stitch. I kept telling the surgeon that he got ripped off, that the morphine was swapped for a placebo or something. He didn't believe me, so after he got done, I hopped off the table and told him to watch this: I stood on one foot, closed my eyes, tilted my head back, arms wide apart, then touched the tip of my nose with each hand, one at a time. He couldn't believe it. He didn't think I would even be able to stand without 2 nurses supporting me.

Vicodin does have one affect on me, I have just awful nightmares when I take the stuff. In order to have any affect and be able to rest, I double dose and then wash it down with single malt scotch. No nightmares and I sleep real good that way.

Posted: 06:28 pm Oct 09 2007
by jafo
My doc prescribed Vicotin to me also after knee surgery. I really did'nt need it but it was suppose to make you drowsy so I took the prescribed amount and I also had some vivid nightmares/ halucinations. At one point I think I was having both being partly awake and half asleep it was truely a trip. It so screwed with my head that I have never took any since. I threw it out.


Posted: 07:21 pm Oct 09 2007
by Jeb
I was prescribed Percasets, no nightmares . . .

Jafo, what kind of knee surgery did you have?