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Browns Camp Poker Run...Beat, but not beaten!

Posted: 12:27 pm Jul 16 2007
by Wazowski
Started out fun...turned ugly...but I'd do it again in a heartbeat (after a short 2 week recovery!)

We decided 2 things early on...1) Screw the $20 entry fee for the "official" Poker Ride and just ride the course and 2) ride the difficult course because, and I quote, "the hard course is not that hard..."

New famous last words...

Now I am not totally green but I have never done a long range ride over varying terrain such we encountered on Saturday. Most of the Brown's camp trails are marked for difficulty and by the time we rode Fire Break 5 (single black diamond difficulty) I'm thinking "is that the worst you got?". Bottom line about the Brown's camp trails...they are well maintained and range from easy to challenging and proved to be both last Saturday.

The first loop (we rode two and some off course trails...big mistake at least for me) was a blast. The course covered both gravel road and for the difficult course a lot of off road and single track suited especially for the KDX. Mine was in it's prime element and at no time did I feel I needed more power even for this totally stock 220R carrying a 250 lb just goes were you point it (usually...more on that later) and if I'm in second or third the power just rolls's a beautiful thing.

But I'm preaching to the choir...

Anyway, my favorite streach of the course was the powerline trail with 3 foot jumps every 100 feet or so. I was glad that I had practiced for these kinds of jumps in my back field at home but these turned out to be my undoing. By the time I got back after the 40 mile loop I was more tired than I realized because I found these jumps everywhere along the course and by the second loop my thighs were aching (still are in fact) hands cramping, legs cramping and by the time we had rendered aide to a highcentered 4x4 in the middle of a trail hardly fit for a quad I was done for. It was a long ride back to the truck but my son and nephew were real good about staying with me along the easy course back.

Today I am beat! I can hardly walk but it hurts so good...I look forward to returning to Browns Camp as it will be my training site for the Mystery 250 next year.

I went down twice during the ride...the second time, while it looked bad to my nephew who was following me, I was able to walk away from relatively unscathed but I have a few questions about riding technique that I would like to put forward for advise. I may post my question under "Injuries" cuz I'm hurting today and it seems a fitting place to post it.


P.S. Ride stats...

Total Miles covered = 75
Avearge Speed = 22.5 MPH
Top speed = 50.5 MPH