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Going Tubliss!

Posted: 01:07 am Feb 02 2010
by SS109
Yep, I have decided to give the Tubliss setup a go. Got them at my local Cycle Gear with one of their $20 off coupons. Under $195 with tax. Plan to use them with Maxxis SI up front and an IT out back. I'll post up my experiences, riding and installing, hopefully soon.

BTW, for those that are running them, and tips or tricks to installing them that are not in the paper/video instructions? Also, I heard mention of running sealant in the high pressure tube to keep from losing pressure so quick. Anybody try this?

BTW, a cheap pic of them at home!


Posted: 01:10 am Feb 02 2010
by Mr. Wibbens
I'm gonna try them soon but I don't see much reason to do it on the front

Since I started riding bikes I've never had a flat front tire

Posted: 01:19 am Feb 02 2010
by SS109
I run some really low pressure up front currently (7lbs) so I know I have a good risk of getting a flat. Unfortunately, I ride by myself most of the time and don't want to get caught out in the middle of nowhere, at O'dark 30, or when it is 110 degrees out, trying to patch a tube. The Tubliss, hopefully, will provide me with peace of mind in those situations!

Posted: 12:46 pm Feb 02 2010
by Mr. Wibbens
Wow, I can't imagine riding that low a pressure up front :shock:

My bike is scary below 13 psi on the front

Posted: 04:11 pm Feb 02 2010
by SS109
Yeah, it is more scary with higher pressures! I currently have a Bridgestone M23 up front that was installed by the previous owner. It absolutely sucks for desert riding. It will wash out with no warning. Thankfully new tires are only a week or so away!

Posted: 06:39 am Feb 17 2010
by SS109
Woohoo! New tires should be here today! Maxxis SI front and a Maxxis IT rear. Man, I can't wait! Should have it all mounted up before this weekend! :supz:

Posted: 11:41 pm Feb 17 2010
by jth
“tips or tricks to installing them that are not in the paper/video instructions?”
Really clean the rim good, especially where the tire bead slides up and sits. Also, use lots of lubrication on the high psi tube and tire bead. I used very soapy water.

“running sealant in the high pressure tube to keep from losing pressure so quick”
Never tried it. Mine doesn’t leak down vary fast at all. Sealant in the tire (low psi side) = a big YES.

I ran this setup all last year with a Trials tire At 6 psi. No problems. I love it.

Posted: 05:54 pm Feb 18 2010
by NewMexico505
SS109 wrote:I run some really low pressure up front currently (7lbs) so I know I have a good risk of getting a flat.
I run 8 or less psi in the front. AZ and NM both have lots of sand. Any psi higher and the front end washes out a lot in that sand.

Posted: 09:41 pm Feb 18 2010
by Mr. Wibbens
Must run a stiff sidewall

If I run anything less than 12 the tire will roll over on itself under hard braking in tight turns, and pitch my ass on the high side

Posted: 12:51 am Dec 12 2010
by sped66
SS109: Update? I'm interested in your toughts on the Tubliss setup!

Posted: 01:00 am Dec 12 2010
by Indawoods
I never understood patching a tube in the field... I have run both tires completely flat back to the truck several times.

Once I had a back flat and that was the fastest I have ever run a hare scramble track... hookup was incredible. I didn't know it was flat... all I knew is that I was hooking up!

Posted: 01:22 am Dec 12 2010
by Mr. Wibbens
Must be some stiff assed side walls

I've only had one flat. We were 22 miles out and 110 miles from our destination. I was not going anywhere until we put in a new tube

Posted: 01:27 am Dec 12 2010
by Indawoods

Posted: 02:38 am Dec 12 2010
by SS109
I apologize as I haven't been using them. I pinched the rear sealing tube and just haven't ordered a replacement. I have been busy with too many different projects and I lose track of things. I do plan on installing them at my next tire change which will hopefully be later this month or early January.

I can tell you that having to order a replacement from the manufacturer instead of being able to pick one up at a local shop bites.

Posted: 10:23 am Dec 12 2010
by scheckaet
how do you like your rear S12 Inda?
I like the front one, this is my second set, the 1st one lasted 2 seasons
The rear must be the worst tire I've ever had, I only have 5 rides on it and it's absolutely fubar, 1/2 the knobs are gone :evil:
I dunno why it chunked so bad, must be very very soft compound and only good for sand and mud. It's not like we have very much rock filed where I ride it's more like crop field, hard pack, roots and sandy section. Really pissed off, i'm guessing 2 more rides and it will be done. :evil:

Posted: 10:25 am Dec 12 2010
by Indawoods
It must be pretty good... harder compound being an "S"... lasting a long time when I want it to wear out. Wanting to go to a Trials tire...

Hooks up really good... lasts...