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First Hare Scramble

Posted: 04:34 pm Feb 02 2014
by vlxk98
I rode my first Hare Scramble yesterday and had a great time! For my level, the KDX is all I need.

I did have a couple of issues I want to ask you guys about. First, since I got the bike it has not liked the jump from first to second gear. I get neutral about half the time. Just out riding around it isn't so critical, but in the heat of competition :grin: it is a pain. There must have been 20 times yesterday that shifting from first to second, right at the point of needing to shift on a climb, or out of a single track section, that I missed a shift. Then it is back to first to regain the momentum lost with the missed shift.

Once in second there are no more problems going to third etc.

I had been running Rpyal Purple 10w40 because I had several quarts on hand, last week I changed to ATF type F to see if it made a difference. It didn't.

The next question is a technique question. I am having trouble with steep climbs. It seems like I can't stay far enough forward to keep the front end from getting light and wanting to do that side to side dance and get off track.
I have KLX forks set at maybe 2mm above the top clamp. I know raising the forks decreases stability at speed but I'm wondering how much it would affect keeping the front end down on climbs if the forks were higher in the clamps?

Re: First Hare Scramble

Posted: 04:54 pm Feb 02 2014
by C George
I'd look at the rear spring . You may want to try a stiffer spring or get one closer to your weight.
It's usually easier to handle a loose rear than to chase the front end.

Try some 20w50 Valvoline motorcycle oil , a whole qt, in that gear box . If still an issue , you may have to
pull the tranny apart. I've never been a fan of ATF unless your running a 65 or 80cc class where you need all the HP.

Re: First Hare Scramble

Posted: 04:56 pm Feb 02 2014
by russell3
I don't know that I can really help you with the transmission problem, but it does sound like you may have a tranny issue. There's bound to be someone else on here that can speak to that issue.

On to the hillclimb...I currently have an XR600. It has enough power to just about ride up a tree at idle. I have tons of bottom end power. I've been on hills where they were so steep that I had the same issue even going slow/low rpm. When you're on something that steep and you still have great traction(which is what it sounds like you're describing) then throttle control is what's going to help you the most in my opinion. That's what I have to do on my 600. Stand up on the pegs, keep your momentum the best you can, and lean as far forward as possible. The rest you control with the throttle. If you're having trouble because you're losing a little too much power, you may want to try a pipe that is designed for more bottom end. Typically, if you're going too slow and therefore losing too much power, you have to start feathering the clutch. It's easy to let the clutch out too much and it's easy to go over backwards. I've done it... :busted:

Re: First Hare Scramble

Posted: 10:32 pm Feb 03 2014
by zepplin153
try adjusting the position of your shifter. maybe lower. if your still having trouble it could be the tranny. I have a problem shifting into 3rd at high rpms and think the gear is going. I bet its really frustrating if its happening into 2nd like you described. Missing 2nd happens to me sometimes too but i have my shifter pretty high. I just have to be very deliberate with my shift to compensate, but i would rather that than catching my toes on something.

hillclimbing: go find a hard hill and do it all day. adjusting all that other mentioned stuff will make marginal differences. Just keep doing climbs and you will get dialed in in your brain and body. the pipe mentioned above can help. i have a woods pipe and I can lug my engine really low up to about 3rd and it keeps chugging. leaning forward isnt always the answer. managing your throttle and telemetry via practice is the answer. just ride it over and over and you will build the reaction needed. also, I live in a hilly area and personally find im better seated than standing when climbing. im a solid c rider with my b/a moments so im sure i dont know everything but i usually destroy the guys i ride with when climbing. I agree with russell, keep your speed up a bit more. clutch feathering works but really comes with practice. you start doing it unconsciously after a while. It helps riding with people who make you look bad too. I try to ride with guys that make me look like im standing still on the trail and I find things I never knew were possible. Some things I learn by watching while following and others that come naturally just by being out of my comfort zone.

BTW, your side to side dance, i see nothing wrong with this. sometimes getting up, over, and through aint pretty :wink:

First Hare Scramble

Posted: 11:05 pm Feb 03 2014
by SS109
It should go without saying that your suspension should be in good working order, sag adjusted, and setup for your weight. Trust me, that right there will make everything easier. Night and day difference, seriously! When hill climbing stand up and keep your weight over the front end. Practice throttle and clutch control. Remember, the clutch isn't an off/on switch. Learning to feather it in certain situations will increase your speed and help you tackle nasty terrain like hill climbs. I'm not sure how much longer the KLX forks are compared to the stockers but they should be slid up enough to be close to the stock ride height. I would keep sliding them up in 1mm increments, ride the same trail for each adjustment, until the front end starts feeling twitchy/unstable and then slide them back down 1mm and you should be good. Don't forget to check your rear sag, and adjust if necessary, after making fork height adjustments!

As for the shifting issue, I would first adjust your shift lever down maybe a notch and see how that works out before worrying about transmission problems. However, you really shouldn't be in first gear except for maybe at the starting line and I don't even use it then. The KDX should have enough power for anything you might encounter on a trail/race course in a minimum of 2nd gear.

Re: First Hare Scramble

Posted: 09:25 pm Feb 05 2014
by KDXrider1989
I had the same issue as far as hitting neutral, my shifter had some slop to it even when tightened as far as it could go without stripping the threads. some of the grooves were worn down completely, so I replaced the lever and no problems since then. I run valvoline 10w-40 motorcycle oil

First Hare Scramble

Posted: 02:56 pm Feb 07 2014
by motogoalie1
If your races are tight, relatively low speed, and lots of hills, gear your bike down by going 1 tooth down on the countershaft, which shouldnt require a new chain. Or add 3 or more on the rear sprocket or do both.
this will put you in a better gear selection, 2nc v 3rd when climbing.

I run around colorado mtns with anything from 12/47 to 12/51 depending on how ugly things are. You can power up a wall with that gearing and your meat and potatoes are 2nd n 3rd. 1rst is reserved for truly paddle worthy wierd stuff.

also, try to anticipate your climb and avoid shifting up when full power climbing.

Re: First Hare Scramble

Posted: 03:49 pm Feb 09 2014
by zepplin153
Paddle worthy wierd stuff....? Sounds sexy..

First Hare Scramble

Posted: 06:18 pm Feb 09 2014
by motogoalie1
Lil Moab action
