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Another plea for help

Posted: 11:30 am Sep 10 2005
by KDXer
I'm in a bit of a pickle. I bought a set of IMS pegs off eBay from a guy in California. The problem is there is some issue with his paypal account and can't recieve my payment. I just thought I would put a call out here to see if anyone who had a paypal account would be willing to send this guy a cheque (after receiving my payment of course). If not, it's no problem guys as I can hopefully get a cashiers cheque in US currency and express post it over to him. I think thats what I'm going to have to do to pay for my RB carb and head anyway. Thanks in advance for any help that can be offered.

Posted: 05:32 pm Sep 10 2005
by canyncarvr
I'll take you up on that.

Let me know the where to and I'll do it.

'After' receiving your payment? Heck no!! I'll do it ASAP..then I can gripe at you about, 'Where's the money!!!!'


Send payment info to

Uh...take the at out and stuff...

Why am I telling YOU that? 'This eye doan miss a thang!!!'

Posted: 10:35 pm Sep 10 2005
by skipro3
I can help too if CC has any trouble. BTW, I was saving the stock KX250 pegs I got from my new 2002 for you. NOw that you have some IMS, I'll see if Carvr wants them. If he doesn't want them then they are up for grabs. Only condition: you gotta come pick them up or I gotta come out to see you!!!

Any takers?

Posted: 09:18 am Sep 11 2005
by KDXer
Thanks a bunch to the both of you guys. I really appreciate your kind offer Jerry for the pegs and the cheque. I got the IMS ones for about $20US before shipping and I feel I have sponged off you too much already. I don't want to push the friendship. Anyway I can sponge off Brad this time. :grin: :wink: Jus' kiddin' !! I truely am extremely grateful for the help, time and effort you guys put in to help this spark arrested aussie. I will endevour to make it up to you guys when I visit next year (NO sexual favours BTW, well OK maybe just a back rub). :shock:

The seller gave me some details when the auction ended but yesterday he emailed me stating " before u get the cheque I need to tell u where to send it". Now I'm pretty certain what he sent me (a week ago) WAS his full address but he has forgotten that he sent it. I will send it over to you Brad and maybe you will know if its his full address or not. I have sent the same info to him asking if it is indeed the correct address, I will wait for his reply and let you know. If you wish you can send me your paypal info and I will send the cash your way (tinytrev at I'm gonna send a few extra bucks so make sure you get yourself a beer or two (or whatever tickles your fancy) and not give the whole amount to the seller. I will email the info over now. Again, eternally grateful !! :partyman:

Posted: 04:47 pm Sep 11 2005
by skipro3
What's the auction #? If the seller takes paypal, just have Brad or I paypal him his money then you paypal Brad or I the money to our account. It may just be a currency exchange that won't work and by using one of our accounts, we could work that out. Let me know. You are NOT a sponge, so quit worrying about that.

Glad to hear about your ride on 50 acres. When you get out here, we usually ride on areas of 50,000 acres. (or more).

Posted: 10:49 pm Sep 11 2005
by canyncarvr
Yup. Auction number will do. A whole lot easier than actually SENDING anything anywhere.

Put any 'couple extra bucks' into your gettin' hitched kitty. No double entendre intended.

Double what? :roll:

Posted: 01:57 am Sep 12 2005
by skipro3
If a woman asks a man for an example of double entendre, he should always try to give it to her. :shock: :lol:

Because it's subtle, sublime, and self-referrential, as long as we don't sacrifice accuracy, no reason not to have fun (and give the reader a smile).

Posted: 02:44 pm Sep 12 2005
by KDXer
I'm still waiting on a reply about his address. Maybe if its a local call, give him a quick buzz and ask for it. The issue with paypal (I think) is he owes them money or something and they have put a hold on his account or something along those lines. :rolleyes: What if I PM you his home or cell # Jerry as he is also in California and it might be a local call (or maybe not). Its no biggie really as I can just wait for his reply via email. Cheers guys... :partyman: No double entendre taken. You are too kind CC, I think... :?

Posted: 03:17 pm Sep 12 2005
by canyncarvr
It sounds cloudy....

'..he can't accept MY payment...' I took to mean some problem with the intergalactic nature of the transaction, not a failure on HIS part.

..and he seems in no hurry to respond to your queries...and all you want to do is send him money?

Kind'a sounds like a good reason to NOT send him money, don't it?

I'm in a holding pattern. Email if there is something that needs doing on this end.

You really should have taken it. ..every chance you get! :wink:

Posted: 08:47 pm Sep 12 2005
by skipro3
Remember Trev, I still have those stock KX250 pegs. They look almost perfect. If you don't want them, they're going to one of the other guys. No one has told me they want them yet. Cancel with this seller due to HIS issues with paypal. I would. It's starting to sound more than "cloudy" to me.

Posted: 10:52 pm Sep 12 2005
by KDXer
I hear you guys loud and clear and I'll give him a few more days to respond before taking any action. To his defence, his emails seem honest just hes slow at replying. We'll play it by ear and see what happends. Whaat would I do just send eBay an email stating he hasn't replied to several emails ?? I don't want to get negative feedback really if I can help it. Thanks heaps guys for the advice and help. :partyman:

Posted: 02:04 am Sep 15 2005
by KDXer
Well I sent an email to eBay today stating the details surrounding the auction and they said, if by tomorrow (10 days after auction end) he hasn't responded then we can take action. Guess what I just received ?? An email stating how he was sorry for not responding as he went away on a riding trip. I still await his address. :roll:

Posted: 03:31 am Sep 15 2005
by KDXGarage
Figures. :roll: