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Posted: 12:25 am Nov 15 2004
by KDXGarage
Hmm! Thanks for the report.

Posted: 12:06 pm Nov 16 2004
by bh
So with everyone making the switch to the DFIII maybe someone has a DFII that they want to get rid of cheap... if you do let me know. :grin:

Posted: 12:09 pm Nov 16 2004
by Indawoods
I got spare reeds for the DFII in the for sale section! :razz:

Posted: 01:18 pm Nov 17 2004
by farmerj
Jeff said that he could set me up with some softer reeds, but I should try it as-is first

So, Dr. CC -

If a boy was to order a new DF III, would you be prescribing "stock" reeds or "soft" at this juncture??

Posted: 05:39 pm Nov 17 2004
by canyncarvr
The DFIII I have in right now is 'oem' designer tensioned reeds. Jeff said he could MAKE me some (lighter reeds) if I wished..but that I should try it 'out of the box' first.

If I was a boy, I'd just order one!

Posted: 12:55 am Nov 18 2004
by skipro3
According to UPS, mine should be here tomorrow. (Thursday). Just in time for the Bearfoot Enduro.
CC: Did it affact jetting at all? How about the thumbknob airscrew? Any need to play with that either?

Posted: 02:23 pm Nov 18 2004
by canyncarvr
I didn't change a thing...just bolted it on.

I'm not saying tweaks jetting-wise are absolutely not needed...just that I didn't do any.

Choke-cold start is considerably different between the two cages, everything else the same. That is something (how well or not a bike starts) that is certainly peculiar to a particular bike in the first place. Your bike may or may not react the same way.

I haven't sorted that part out for sure to this point. Have tried several different procedures...and that about covers the three times I've started it (choke-cold) since I put it in. Jury is still out. It's been a bit harder to start is what I'm saying, but I'm sure that is only because I haven't hit the correct sequence just yet.

Hot start is the same.

I did try a few adjustments to the air screw...ended back at the same spot it had been with the DFII. While it changes a tad here and there, 2 1/2 out is where it is most of the time.

FWIW, am currently running: 40/152/DEK-4/#7TV

Posted: 08:57 pm Nov 19 2004
by Indawoods
CC... does the carb still have two sweet spots? i.e... with the RB modded carb? Or are you running the AirStryker now?

Posted: 06:01 pm Nov 20 2004
by skipro3
Well, I got my VForce DeltaIII assembly (won't call them just reeds as that is not the technical term) on Thursday and put them in today.
In a word: Awesome!
My bike started life with the stock reeds, then I got some of them Boysen reeds, went to the DF origional reed cage/reeds and now the DFIII. Each was an improvement but this is by far and away the greatest "felt" improvement. To start the changeout, I first rode down then up a very steep hill I have on my property. 300ft of elevation change in 660 ft of ground traveled. It is littered with large rocks embedded into the ground about the size of a car with lots of smaller ones. It is covered in Oaks and grass mostly with a few pine trees. Deer trails everywhere too. I always have trouble getting up this thing as the front end always wants to loop up on me, then I chop the throttle and loose all momentum. That usually requires me to stop and think about sidehilling to get some rolling speed before finishing up the hill.
After putting in the new DFIII, I warmed the bike up a bit and went down the hill. From the bottom to the top, I could go anywhere, over anything and if the front end lifted, a throttle chop did not cause me to have to stop. It was a blast.
Most of the improvement is from waaay down low in the RPM range. from just off idle, the bike had tons of power. No need to build RPM's in order to move out, just 1/8 throttle and off I would go, continuing up the hill. After a few trys at it, I decided to try a few of the smaller rocks. At near walking pace, the bike would just climb up and over without bog of any kind. Torque was amazing. Next, some of the large rock outcroppings. Again, no hesitation. Just hold the throttle steady and over it would go without first building up some rolling momentum.
There isn't a place to get it up out of second gear as the place is too steep but after testing everything I had available to ride over in first, I then went to second. Same story. Tons of torque, no bog, very smooth and controlled power from idle on up to mid rpms.
Tomorrow I'm riding in the BearFoot Enduro so that will give me some more input to pass on.
It is my opinion that the DFIII blows away the origional DF.
BTW, when I pulled my old DF out of the bike, the lower left reed pedal was chipped on it's corners. The outside reeds are individual pedals while the inside ones are a single pedal split into three flaps. Changing them would be easy but why bother. If anyone here wants my origional DF, let me know and I'll send it to you.....Free. I'll never need them again. They are better than stock reeds and at this price I am hoping that someone with a limited buget can get some more life out of them instead of just sitting around here.
My thanks to CC for his detailed report and analysis. His summary is what swayed me into upgrading. This is a great product, but I must say this: First have your bike jetted correctly. If you start this mod on a bike that is not well jetted, then I'm not sure it would help much. So start with jetting then replace the reed system.

Posted: 09:44 pm Nov 20 2004
by canyncarvr
Inda: Yes, I'm blowing gas out of an air RB modifed air striker to boot.

I haven't messed with SS#1 (the further 'in' of the two) for quite awhile..and that while includes with the DFIII. The 'That's not right!' setting of SS#2 is so far superior to anything less (turns out)..there's no point to it.

I'm currently spending most of my time @ 2.5 turns out...vary maybe 1/16 of a turn depending on temp changes.


I am tickled to hear you like it!! There are lots of things to spend money on parts-wise for bikes...but the DFIII is worth every cent, imo. It's nice to hear that someone else likes it.

I ride places now I wouldn't even have considered just a month ago because of the sure-power the kdx now has..just give it some gas, and off it goes!

For any unfamiliar readers...take note that Ski's bike is a 220, mine is a 200, both of us run RB modified air striker carbs. ...I think...correct me if that's wrong.

I wondered if the DFIII would be as appreciated in a 220 as a 200. Guess so!!

Do you have any feel for a need to change your EFM clutch engagement point with the additional down-low pull?

Tell you what, folks. Skipro pays attention to the small stuff. That he got as big a kick out of the DFIII as I did tells me a whole lot:

1. I'm sure glad I have one!!

2. Why don't YOU have one, yet? ;)

Thanks for the writeup, Ski!

Hey...when you coming back up this way? This month has so far been perfect!! You need to get back up here!

Posted: 09:57 pm Nov 20 2004
by Indawoods
Great... now I have to get a Air Striker w/ RB mod too! :razz: What do they run CC? Just curious....

Posted: 10:09 pm Nov 20 2004
by skipro3
To answer questions from CC:
Yes, I do have the Air Stryker carb with the little thumb air screw thingy. I still have the CEK needle on the leanest clip and I think a 148 main although the bike could easily run with a 145 main. I'll keep the 148 even though it spooges a bit, it keeps the 220 cool and most 220 owners know their bikes run a little warm. I have my A.S. adjusted to the first sweet spot out from full in. I never did play with finding sweet spot two due to the fact I was having way too much fun the way it is. Someday I'll come off the riding high long enough to tweak with it.
EFM Clutch engagement point:
Before the DFIII, I felt the clutch engagement point was on the low rpm side and that I would add a couple of spring washers to bring the rpms up just a bit before the clutch kicks in. The reason was, on hills that I would stop on, (read "fall over") the clutch would engage the motor too low in the rpms when I was ready to take off again, and there weren't enough ponies down there to get me going right. I felt like I wanted to fan the clutch quickly but now couldn't. Now with the DFIII it feels like there's a bunch more power from idle rpm's on up. I would deliberately stop on the hardest part of the hill out in my "backyard", barely able to keep from slideing back down with both brakes on, then try to continue up the hill. Motor wise, no problem now. However I really need to be up on the tank or, better yet, standing and leaning over the front fender to keep the front wheel on the ground.
I'll be up to see you guys again soon. Right now Doug's hand is still mending. The surgery he had opened up the palm of his right hand from stem to stern. He's back at work and he is even playing some gigs (he plays guitar) this weekend. Although he's having trouble reaching the G chord. When Doug's doc gives him the o.k. to ride, we will be making a road trip! Tell farmerj, wibby, and if you can get hold of him m0rie too. Party time.

Posted: 11:36 pm Nov 20 2004
by skipro3
One more thing:
I noticed that on the maiden ride down the street that the reeds could be heard flapping around when throttle was applied when the rpm's were around stall speed. After the first couple of times and the bike was fully warmed up, it didn't manifest itself again. Did you notice anything like that CC?

Posted: 08:35 pm Nov 21 2004
by farmerj
From the bottom to the top, I could go anywhere, over anything and if the front end lifted, a throttle chop did not cause me to have to stop. It was a blast.
Most of the improvement is from waaay down low in the RPM range. from just off idle, the bike had tons of power.
Boy - that report sounds like the enthusiasm I experienced when going from stock to the DF II.
I'm glad it's almost my birthday! :rolleyes:


Posted: 10:54 pm Nov 21 2004
by skipro3
Back from the Bearfoot Enduro and dinner is safely tucked away so here's how things went with regards to the DFIII:
It rocks!!!!
More detail? O.K. but don't say I didn't warn ya.....
I hadn't preregistered, so I made sure I was at the sign-ups by 7am as this is a popular race that will turn riders away when filled. A few parties of riders were in front of me. They wanted to ride together and I saw they were being issued #'s up in the 90's. With 5 riders per minute that meant about 450 riders were going to trash and bottle neck that course before I got a chance to ride. From the looks of the RV city when I arrived, I'd say everyone showed up too. Well, when my turn came, the lady asked me how many were in my party. I said it was just me and she lit up and said that was great! She explained there were a few holes to be filled in the field of riders and asked me if I wanted a high number or a low number. I told her low. She said, how about 12B? Too low, I said. Not enough riders to lay down a path I could follow. So instead, she gave me 24D. I drove to a spot I could park and out of the hundreds of RV's, I park next to the other riders on the 24 minute. We talked and I discovered they were A riders. 24A was a A senior on a 2004 KTM 250 EXC, 24B was a young kid on a blue yamaha 2-stroke, not sure of year or size, 24C was a A Vet rider on a 2005 KTM 450 EXC. They had all the time keeping computers you could shake a stick at. I hoped only to keep near them but as the day progressed, it wasn't all that hard to stay with them.
The KDX with the DFIII's did everything I wanted from them. I was taking most hills in a gear taller than I normally do and riding with greater ease too. No bog, just a good solid pull from idle to the sky. I like to lug my motor so this was great. It does take a few more kicks to get going when cold but then it was in the 30's when we started the race. Warm engine starts were same as before. Fuel economy kicked up, as we completed the first loop and gassed at 30 miles, the bike took just barely a gallon. Second loop was the same, about 30 miles and a gallon of gas. Last loop was shorter and I haven't measured the gass used yet.
Anyone even thinking about the DFIII better get their order in as I think these will go fast. (that's a pun).
It was so much fun to gas it at any rpm and feel the front end gently rise up anytime I felt the desire to do so. I did notice a mild hit about mid rpm range. Nothing bad, like someone switched on a light switch or anything, just a nice extra push, so to speak that would kick in before the KIPS would go do it's thing.
When lugging the motor uphill and opening the throttle past any useful point, I would again hear the reeds fluttering. After a bit, I got used to it and would just downshift instead of being lazy.
One of the best points I noted today was on a hill climb up a ridge back that had newly cut huge water bars. This was a steep hill that required staying on the throttle, but with these water bars, It would be like launching to the moon. A quick throttle chop and downshift to second and I was off again. On the second loop we were run over this same hill and I decided to be lazy and not downshift on each water bar, just back off the throttle and try to keep as much forward momentum as I could. No problem, that bike with the DFIII would just motor right up the face of the bar, and then continue up no matter how much speed I would loose.
So, there you go, my analysis is that I really like the reeds. Along with the autc-clutch (and a well jetted carb), It will be some time before I max out the KDX and start looking around again for something else.

Posted: 06:36 am Nov 22 2004
by KDXGarage
Thank you for the DF III and ride report!

Posted: 07:04 am Nov 22 2004
by KDXer
canyncarvr wrote: 2. Why don't YOU have one, yet? ;)
Well considering I have only ridden my KDX 4 times with the DFII and the trouble I had getting one over here I think there will be a DFIV before the fiance allows another financial outburst of $400AU. I'm jealous.... My next venture will be the Airstryker.

Posted: 11:30 pm Nov 22 2004
by canyncarvr
AS cost?

Give Ron a call. I don't recall what the price used to be and if it's changed. Something like $345 I think.

The III is a hoot, huh? It's another one of those, 'I can't believe it!' mods, imo.

You HAVE to get that airscrew out!!! Take the time to see if it works on the 220. If it's 1/2 as well as what it does on the 200, you'll be real sorry you didn't do it earlier!!

Any input from the blue/orange side of your minute group?

Happy Birthday! No......there ain't no DFIII in the mail from here!!! :wink:

That's one heckuva exchange rate! The DFIII is only (yeah..only) $148US (I think). Is that $400 Aussie? Oh's only money, regardless of what you call it.

Posted: 11:39 pm Nov 22 2004
by KDXer
Sure CC its AU$ alright. 400 of 'em or close to it. By the time I tracked down a supplier (read *RIP OFF*) and they put their profit and postage fee on top it was just shy of 4 hunge. RE: DFIII.. It sounds so tempting but I think the Airstryker will be the next 'Holy crap' I hear when she finds the bank statement. :lol: NOW stop rubbing it in you show off !!!!! :lol:

I'm starting to think a trip over is in order. My shopping list would include;

EMF Autoclutch
RB's Airstryker
Maier rear fender (few of em)
a rental bike (KDX of course)

a map of where Im meeting you all for the get together ride

Oh I forgot the BEERS :partyman:
MMMMMMMMM Food for thought....

Posted: 11:47 pm Nov 22 2004
by Indawoods
MMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm BEER! :rolleyes: