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Posted: 11:13 pm Jul 16 2008
by Colorado Mike
Re: Group photo.. now I know why I haven't journeyed out to God's country to ride with you guys... :roll:

Posted: 08:17 am Jul 17 2008
by KarlP
I've got a gallery!

(I feel like a GENIUS)

Posted: 08:47 am Jul 17 2008
by kawagumby
Colorado Mike wrote:Re: Group photo.. now I know why I haven't journeyed out to God's country to ride with you guys... :roll:
ummm, yes, I too am beginning to reassess this whole KDX thing.... :shock:

Posted: 10:53 am Jul 17 2008
by KarlP
This is the kind of thing I'm talking about ... _photo.php

Posted: 10:20 pm Jul 17 2008
by MX500
SIngle track that quads fit in??? No such thing where I come from, single track is where there is only naturally room for a single track (IE one bike). If the quad riders make some trails because they are easy to ride, theres nothing wrong with that IMO. Find a real trail that they cant fit in and go expand after the bottleneck.

Putting a few properly placed logs like this !_/! where the trail was previously !__! to block the trail between two trees might help narrow down the trail to the point where a quad wouldnt fit or would want to turn around. Just block their path and it may slow them down.

Posted: 07:27 am Jul 18 2008
by KarlP

The point has been missed I guess.

Pictured is brand new trail that I had cut. Quads WON'T fit, yet, but they did push in and had to turn around.

I've used logs, thorn bushes, gulleys, hard corners between trees, stumps to keep them from trying.

Loking for other experiences from the WWW

It's cool

Posted: 07:50 am Jul 18 2008
by muddertrucker
It might just be the canadian in me but have you tried asking politely. Put up a sign that says please no atv's or something. It probably won't keep em all out but maybe some of them will think twice.

Posted: 10:50 am Jul 21 2008
by canyncarvr
Re: 'Kind of a tough thing to get pictures of, seems to me.'

I meant pics of the area..the trails..the surroundings..not of the mess.

Gay beer? You're referring to The Blue Label I presume.

Of course it is! It DOES come from CaNAda, 'eh?

Karl: You don't have to use a host (as smugmug). You can use Inda's gallery pages. Upload a pic to you gallery, display the pic (not the thumbnail..the picture), copy the URL of the pic to the clipboard (right click on pic, click on 'properties', highlight and copy), put THAT (paste it) inside the IMG tags, and you're done.

Linking to another hosting site will work. It uses THEIR bandwidth instead of Inda's, and that MAY not be the 'right' way to do it. THAT depends on whether the other site agrees to it or not. Some do, some don't. Those that don't generally don't ALLOW it to be done, although some that don't want you to do NOT prohibit the practice.

Crud. Got snookered by the 'ol #2 page again. I didn't see that the pic issue was already done............

Posted: 10:52 am Jul 21 2008
by canyncarvr
Colorado Mike wrote:Re: Group photo.. now I know why I haven't journeyed out to God's country to ride with you guys... :roll:
C'mon!!! You KNOW you want to!!! :wink:

Posted: 11:22 am Jul 21 2008
by Colorado Mike
True enough. :mrgreen:

Posted: 04:41 pm Jul 21 2008
by KarlP
Pictures up in my gallery, if you care to take a look.

Posted: 11:48 pm Jul 21 2008
by fuzzy
Yes, that is the Canadian in you, most southern hick quad riders would take such a sign as an invite.

Goos job on making your new trail heads non-passable for quads. Nice land there :prayer:

Quads are a big problem, but not all of them. Sport quads w/ a good rider are A-OK. 800lb 4x4's are NO GOOD!!!!! :evil: Especially w/ non-skilled riders. I've dug bigger ruts on my 2-wheeler than I ever did on my old 250R. :roll: Hell, it would bury the axle at 5." My vote is to ban all 4x4's and machines over a certain weight in public riding areas. They are for hunting and farms.

Posted: 04:32 pm Jul 23 2008
by september9
I have to agree with the rest of you, put the trail head onto a steep side hill with only a single track of like 8 to 10 inches wide. Make it go far enough that you can't see the end of the narrow part from the start. I dug some trail like that and the quads are afraid of it. Doesn't hurt that I have seen them roll 3 of the quads down the hill trying to navigate it.

If that doesn't work, can you dig a trench or build a wall and make a jump go up and over it?

Try mountain bike style trails and go "northshore" type stuff were you build the trail up on raised 2x4's so that the wood is the trail and it is only as wide as you cut the boards. You should be able to make them strong enough for a bike easy, and they would be too narrow for a quad. Get it off the ground 5 feet and jump off of it to the ground. Gets slippery when wet, but you can put stuff on the boards for traction.

You have to use a little thought, if you just put in a tree across the trail, the quads will just come equipped with chain saws next time and cut it out calling it trail maintenance. Run the trail between two tight trees and the trail will just get moved out and around the trees when you get back to it again.