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Posted: 01:06 am Jul 14 2007
by djfl4me
2001kdx wrote:Me Me! Send it to me SKI! :lol:

Actually today is my birthday - my 16th birthday! Woohoo, I'll soon be on the streets with a learner's permit! Watch out! :twisted:
happy bday. License now...Next step is being able to buy beer in canada. :D

I just turned 21 in may so im lookin forward to buying beer down in vegas later this yr :supz: :partyman:

Posted: 10:25 am Jul 14 2007
by m0rie
2001kdx wrote:Me Me! Send it to me SKI! :lol:

Actually today is my birthday - my 16th birthday! Woohoo, I'll soon be on the streets with a learner's permit! Watch out! :twisted:
Happy B-Day!

Posted: 11:35 am Jul 16 2007
by Wazowski
Good news about the Costco High Sierra hydration pack...

No after taste!

This 2L pack has lived up to my best expectations considering it's modest (!) price. It kept all 2L of water cold throughout my ride with the exception of the last drop I sucked out of it and that was mostly what was left in the tube so you'd expect THAT to be a little warm.

I was flat on my back twice (more on that elsewhere) and can find no visible damage. I had plenty of space for whatever I need to carry but I wonder about two things...

1 Is 2L enough? We rode about 4 hours total and I sucked it dry. I loaded it with ice and topped it of but was surprized that I found the bottom. I can't usually drink a quart of water in 4 hours let alone a half gallon. It may be that I just didn't fill it as completely as I could have.

OR, the ride was so brutal that I needed every drop!!

2 Does it have enough capacity to carry everything I will need on a 250 mile overnighter like the Mystery 250? I mean really...what should I be carrying on a long duration ride that won't fit in this pack? I had my tow rope, some foot powder, half a roll of tools are in my trail pack on the fender and of course I will be far more prepared for a longer ride but...

..will it be enough?

I guess we'll see. Still for the money I can't say anything bad about the Costco High Sierras Hydration pack. Comfy light weight...I hardly knew it was there but glad at every stop to be able to rehydrate instantly.

A good buy.


Posted: 12:06 pm Jul 16 2007
by canyncarvr
Use a teaspoon of lemon juice in a full bladder to remove smells and tastes.

I just got a new pak myself. Didn't prefer Camelbak due to their 'green' attitude, but found no other that fit my needs.

One of the 'cheap' paks had a bladder that stunk like plastic pretty bad. Figured that to be a taste loser.

The CamelBak I did get didn't have a whif of a smell to the bladder.

It wasn't $20...but it works.

Point: If it stinks, it will taste bad. Use lemon juice.

Posted: 02:54 pm Jul 16 2007
by GS
Funny how quickly you can go through two liters when it's so handy.

Waz: Glad to hear yours doesn't taste bad. Maybe they corrected the 'problem' with mine? I should probably get a current model for comparison. LOVE that Costco return policy!

CC, I'll try that teaspoon of lemon juice....nothing to lose at this point beecuz, I can't drink from it now. Of course....that taste is coming from somewhere :sad:

Posted: 03:05 pm Jul 16 2007
by Indawoods
Did ya brush yer teefes? :mrgreen:

Posted: 03:06 pm Jul 16 2007
by canyncarvr
Does EVERYthing you drink have that taste.....??? :hmm:

Do people cringe and turn away when you speak to them???:hmm: :hmm:

Don't forget to get that 'cleaning fluid' into the hose.....

Posted: 03:42 pm Jul 16 2007
by GS
Inda: I DID brush my tooth. Just last week, both sides, too! Thanks for asking!:?

CC: No, not everything I drink has that flavor. Think I'da noticed that, ya know! You aren't thinking of bottling it, are you? If so I'd like a small royalty! Just enough to fund my riding would be most welcome!

Hey!! People DO cringe and turn away when I speak to them. How'd you know about that?:?

So, the function of the 'lemony' cleaning fluid is to make the plasticy flavor more palatable....right? :roll:

................that replacement pack at Costco is looking like a finer and finer idea.... :wink:

Posted: 05:08 pm Jul 16 2007
by canyncarvr
More palatable? Maybe just plain old palatable...

No...the purpose of the lemon juice is to get RID of any such palatableness. Well, you knew that..........

Dang! I don't think it's a money maker if'n I gotta pay royalties.........

Was that tooth in your hand at the time of the brushing?

Maybe you could soak it in some lemon juice and water solution...........

Posted: 07:00 pm Jul 16 2007
by GS
Come on!....very small royalties?

My tooth *was* in my hand .....and now you're scarin me!! :roll:

Posted: 07:25 pm Jul 16 2007
by canyncarvr
Dave wrote:KRML, what can I do for you?
She wrote:Play Misty for me?
I'm watchin' you............... :shock:

Posted: 09:28 pm Jul 16 2007
by scheckaet
bad odors and nasty taste: get some DENTURE CLEANSER or LEMON JUICE, works every time :wink:

Posted: 01:16 am Jul 17 2007
by GS
All these experienced dental-odor advice-givers :neutral:

Is this the bestest site for help with ANY matter, or what? :supz:

Posted: 02:21 pm Jul 17 2007
by fuzzy
Next step is being able to buy beer in canada
Is the drinking age OVER 21??

Posted: 02:53 pm Jul 17 2007
by 2001kdx
Somehow this has turned from a Hydration discussion to hygiene 101 :rolleyes:

Posted: 07:13 pm Jul 17 2007
by GS
It has, but I'm learning LOTS of good stuff. :supz: