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Hello all

Posted: 09:38 am May 15 2014
What a great hub of info this site is , I've been longing to regain part of my youth and buy a KDX as I use to own a old 175cc air cooled kdx 12 year ago while living out in south africa . Lets just say part were not easy to come by so she was no where near standard .

I now live in the UK in the North east which is blessed with Loads of woodland but a rather mixed choice of KDX models . I will be using the bike mainly for green laning , woods riding and a bite of enduro . I have seen a few 200cc and 250cc and the rare 220cc models on flea bay and gumtree at a good price but not sure which one would be fit for my purpose . The one thing I loved about my old 175cc was that low down usable power as I rode with a few cr,kx 125 that struggled to copy with the terrain with the high end power . Any advice is welcome , I'm off to do some more reading/research .

Re: Hello all

Posted: 09:46 am May 15 2014
by willward
id say 200 would be a good place to go from, im currently riding one and have been for over a year. never let me down and enough power to suit what the use you described

Re: Hello all

Posted: 11:44 am May 15 2014
by Julien D
Most find the 200 to be a bit more versatile. The 220 has a bit more low end, and a bit less top end. Either bike can be modified to suit your needs.

Welcome to KDXRIDER!

Hello all

Posted: 02:49 am May 16 2014
Thank you both for the feedback , other than a rattly engine is there anything I should look out for when buying a kdx , I have looked on the forum for a buyers guide but have not come across it yet .