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country roads

Posted: 09:06 pm May 23 2011
by brayden55
i ride some long twisty country roads and was wondering is it easyer on the engine to ride in the powerband gear and run higher revs or lug it a gear high and run it on lower revs? im not really sure witch is better. any ideas?

Posted: 09:19 pm May 23 2011
by SS109
Lower RPM's are always easier on an engine.

Posted: 01:19 pm May 24 2011
by brayden55
thats what i thought but my uncle thought otherwise :roll: lol no problem with asking though. :mrgreen:

Posted: 02:14 pm May 24 2011
by SS109
Yeah, definitely better to ask than not know for sure. :supz:

Posted: 12:08 pm Jan 04 2012
by F1
If you were riding a bike that likes to foul plugs I wouldnt lug it. But a KDX doesnt foul plugs.