Ken O'Connor Racing as well as Tom Morgan Racing are two highly recommended sources for 2-stroke head work from what I've browsed while searching the internet for 2-stroke head mod info.
Matt Denecke of Lectron Fuel Systems and also owner of Apex who make billet aftermarket Yamaha YZ heads also offered to help teach me the calculations needed to lathe cut heads to change the squish angle to the most optimal, as well as cc the chamber and figure compression ratios.
What I'm learning is that 1.20mm is the maximum ideal squish band height from edge of piston crown at the pin axis, + head gasket thickness + head chamber squish area relief height. a squish height of 1.40mm or 1.60mm effectively does little or nothing in the way of forcing the air fuel mixture towards the center of the chamber rapidly enough to create the turbulence needed to harbor a much more complete and rapid combustion event. The 220 being a lower rpm torque machine, Kawasaki missed the mark on this department as they gave the head too much squish height to lower the compression for what they considered more favorable woods tendencies, but really what they did was to make the combustion a lot slower and less ideal. Shaving the head at minimum will give better combustion chamber fuel mixing when getting the squish band height down to 1.20mm or even 1.0mm if you like more performance and don't have sloppy crank bearings.
Looking at these heads on my desktop in front of me, and talking to my machinist buddy who was looking at the head installed on my bike, I think Ron must have used the coolant flange surfaces to mount the KDX head to a plate that he'd bolt to a surface plate on a lathe to turn the face down as well as slightly alter the squish angle. I wish I could contact him to ask for advice in machining my own heads now that he's seemingly fully retired, but I get no reply. I wonder if anyone here or elsewhere has any more personal relationship with him as a customer and has a way to reach out to him to get any final word on his status? It seems he's 100% done via no replies for months now in 3 attempts, after being eager to help me back in late March... I hope he's doing alright and in good health in his retirement.
This is a good article I started reading. I have several others pulled up as well to browse. ... sh/en.html