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Reasons for the KX ferks

Posted: 09:13 am Dec 11 2006
by motorhed220
ok, sorry to bug everyone AGAIN, but i was wondering WHAT the benfits f having KX foks really are...reason being that i have been getting a LOT of flack from my peers as it seems they think stock is ALWAYS best no matter what.

I just dont know how to answer their questions as to what having the K forks does. Can u guys hook me up wth the basic answers...

I think ive asked this before, but cannot find the thread, or remember. Thanx ya'll

Posted: 09:17 am Dec 11 2006
by KDXer

Cheaper in medical bills... :rolleyes:

Posted: 12:13 pm Dec 11 2006
by KarlP
I bet you'll crash less, as KDX'er commented

I have found that the KX forks go up and down over bumps

I found that the KDX forks went up and down and left and right and sometimes rearward and once or twice skyward.

I was also skeptical as to the value of the swap. It happened that I ended up with a KX that did not owe me anything, so I took the whole front end off and put it on the KDX.

I am no longer skeptical. Best thing I've ever done to this bike. In fact, if I could only do one thing, that would be it.

Re: Reasons for the KX ferks

Posted: 12:23 pm Dec 11 2006
by KDXer
motorhed220 wrote:I think ive asked this before, but cannot find the thread, or remember. Thanx ya'll
This one ?? ... ight=forks

Or this one ?? ... ight=forks

Or this one.... :rolleyes: ... ight=forks

Did you search for fErks or fOrks or foks ?? :wink: :shock:

Posted: 12:41 pm Dec 11 2006
by it175
Search: [ UDS FORKS ] yes thats UDS :oops: Great ansers.

Re: Reasons for the KX ferks

Posted: 04:45 pm Dec 11 2006
by krazyinski
motorhed220 wrote:ok, sorry to bug everyone AGAIN, but i was wondering WHAT the benfits f having KX foks really are...reason being that i have been getting a LOT of flack from my peers as it seems they think stock is ALWAYS best no matter what.

I just dont know how to answer their questions as to what having the K forks does. Can u guys hook me up wth the basic answers...

I think ive asked this before, but cannot find the thread, or remember. Thanx ya'll
ride a new bike that has USD forks then hop back on yours. if not If you dont plan to go fast enough to ever get of the seat or exced 12 or 15 mph on open trails then there is no need for the swap. but if going fast and feeling like you are going slow and in total control of the bike the a KX swap is good.

Posted: 10:46 am Dec 12 2006
by kawagumby
The best part of the stock forks is when you're riding along at a paltry 10mph or so, and one of the projecting fork tubes catches a root or rock. It's a great feeling to test all the ligaments, tendons and muscles in your shoulders and back as they strain to keep the handlebar from rotating and punching you in the stomach. Of course, if they fail in their duty, then you get to test the athletic cup you dutifully remembered to put on before the ride. At higher speeds, the same scenario can become almost ballet-like as you tank-slap your way to the glorius freedom of being projected throught the air as gracefully as a swan in flight. No other bike design has provided us with such extensive low-hanging possibilities.

Posted: 11:13 am Dec 12 2006
by IdahoCharley
I'll chime in - I did NOT think the OEM forks were "bad" for our terrian or typical riding once the correct spring rate/preload/oil height was adjusted to suit our needs. Very forgiving in 98% of trail conditions.

However, the underhang did take me down once in a corner rut and another time caused my boy to come to a quick stop in a steep uphill rut when one fork leg caught a rock outcropping adjacent to a very steep downhill side bank.

I never did experienced any high speed wobby, headshake, or nervousness that caused me 'undo concerns'. To be honest, I only rode the bike with the convential forks in place for about 400-450 miles but it was the 'unhang' concern that got me to make the switch to different forks. For this reason alone it was worth the trouble to perform the changeout. :partyman:

Posted: 11:45 am Dec 12 2006
by bradf
Take a speedy run over some whoops and you'll feel and hear the difference. Hit some large obstacles fast and hard with one vs the other and you'll be convinced.

Posted: 05:52 pm Dec 12 2006
by canyncarvr
kawagumby wrote:The best part of the stock forks ...
I THINK his tongue is firmly planted in his cheek, 'eh?

The main reason I got KX forks was to unhung myself from the 'unhang'! :wink: Too many times I could not: 1. Go where I wanted to, or 2. Come back from where I'd been because the OEM forks would get hung up. Yes, crashed more than once because of them, too.

a LOT of flack from my peers as it seems they think stock is ALWAYS best no matter what..
I think that IS the problem..or THEY are the problem. Your peers I mean. Anyone that has the temerity to argue that 'stock is always best' is someone that doesn't deserve answers to their imbecilic questions.

Yes, it is not lost on me that 'peers' says something about those OTHER than 'the others' too. Don't fret over that need for you to understand.'s FLAK, unless you're talking about Roberta!

OEM forks do not have rebound control (other than oil weight) or rebound adjustment. Is that 'the best' 'ya think? Of course not.

My OEM forks were indeed better in the 'ride' department..and I spent close to $1000 (adding up not only what worked, but what didn't) on them to get them that way. I'm sure my KX forks would be just as nice if I spent just as much on them.

Overall, I agree that KX forks are at the top of the list when it comes to, 'Modifications that gotta happen!'

Get some different peers!
Gud plan!

Posted: 07:10 pm Dec 12 2006
by Ryan
when going slow i never really feel a difference. The differnce i feel is at high speeds. I do alot of racing with my friends (time trials) in our trails. The kx forks seem to over little 3inch rocks at 45mph rather than the kdx forks which like go right or left at 45mph.

Posted: 08:08 pm Dec 12 2006
by grump99
Keep in mind that if you get a separate stem, you can do the conversion and retain your original front end parts (thats what I did). That way you could just re-sell the KX stuff if you don't like the results. I bet someone would buy a bolt-on KX front end in a heartbeat. I can almost guarantee you will like the results though.

Posted: 08:53 am Dec 19 2006
by motorhed220
so i can ride trails wihout my fOrks sounding like a typewriter every time i get some air? :lol: