My 1st XC Race

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My 1st XC Race

Post by patricktjms »

So, I have never raced any four wheelers or dirt bikes in my life. Always a trail rider and a slow one at that. I have owned a few KDX's over the last 10 years and I finally found one that I am in love with. My 2004 kdx200. I got the nerve to enter the Crossroads XC race in Odon Indiana this past Saturday at Parsons MX Compound. I entered D Open class with 22 other fine people and I managed to finish the 90 minutes in 20th place and completed 4 laps. I was slow. But my goal was just to finish and I did it! It was the hardest thing I have ever done. Ever. I am sore from head to toe, and bruised from a couple small dirt dives. The bike performed flawlessly, all day, I couldn't ask for a better machine to have been on. I learned a lot about myself, xc racing, and the bike.

1. I think faster might be better (duh). in every way. the bike seemed to be easier to handle in the woods over the rough stuff when I had it towards the top of 2nd gear vs a slower pace in second or first. It was a bit easier to handle and less work on my body to speed up a touch. Wish I would have figured that out on lap 1 instead of lap 4.

2. I suck at hill climbing. I made it 3/4 of the way up a big hill and fell over or killed the bike or the front end would shoot up and I would panic and let off the throttle and stall it. 4 laps and I failed every time. Maybe I should see lesson #1 about that?

3. An auto clutch would be so nice.

3. So would a steering stabilizer.

4. I feel like the forks compress super fast when hitting a rut or a hole. the suspension works well, I just feel like I want the fork action to slow down a bit. Does that make any sense or am I crazy?

I will definitely be doing another race like this again. Once my body heals. Maybe in August.
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Re: My 1st XC Race

Post by bufftester »

Congrats on entering and finishing. That alone is a great accomplishment. Glad to hear the bike worked well for you. As for your comments:
1. Yes. One of the biggest improvement steps in my riding came when I took some training on riding whoops. I always rode them too slow which is a killer, and couldn't comprehend how some guys would just fly through them. It was scary as hell, but bringing up the speed eventually you hit a point where it becomes much smoother.

2. two big things - carry as much speed into the hill as possible - and body position up on the bike. You want to find that point where you are keeping the front end down, but still have enough weight on the rear for traction.

3. They are nice, but more for the slow technical stuff IMO. For racing clutch control covers 98% of everything you need

3. No argument here, get one, love it

4. Have you played with damping at all? Properly sprung for your weight and ability?
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Re: My 1st XC Race

Post by KDXGarage »

Congratulation on giving it a go!
Thank you for participating on :bravo:
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My 1st XC Race

Post by thirdgenlxi »

Hell yea man.... congrats on getting out there and doing it!! :supz: We all start somewhere.... I'm still a newbie to it myself, only done 4 races so far. My first one was the exact same goal.... didn't care where I finished, I just wanted to finish. And each one since I've just wanted to try and get a little better than the time before. I usually just try and focus on one or two things that I know I need to improve and just work on those. You're absolutely right on #1 though..... the faster you go, the easier it is. I think we've all gone through this stage.... I know I sure did (and still do with some stuff.... I'm still learning, lol), and everybody kept telling me... "go faster! It makes it much easier". Of course that's easier said than done when you're terrified to go any faster, lol..... but by god they were right! Now whenever I get behind somebody going the speed I used to go through a technical section (especially a gnarly rocky/rooty/rutted downhill), I can actually see exactly how much harder it actually is going slower. Especially hill climbs..... pin it to win it! :lol: The way somebody explained it to me.... for hard nasty sections.... "the faster you go, the faster you get through it and it's done and over with that much quicker". A valid point indeed :grin: I think all of this becomes easier too once you get better at picking good smooth lines. Which I found out has a lot to do with where you're looking (apparently right in front of you was NOT the right answer, haha)

I hope you keep at it.... it's fun! Good job on finishing.... time to give it another go
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Re: My 1st XC Race

Post by Vossman »

Great job, getting out there is the hardest part.
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Re: My 1st XC Race

Post by mrmojorisin »

Hey brother congrats!! I was at that race myself. I will be at all the crossroads xc races . Look me up for sure. Ask mike or monica how to find Pearson lol. I started on a KDX. Then was convinced by fellow riders I needed to move up to a kx450f. Man what a shock. Been fighting it ever since. It's like strapping a saddle on a grizzly bear lol. Been thinking about going back to my "ol girl" 01 KDX. Putting lots of thought into what i can do to beef her up in order to haul ass with my 225 lb fat a$$ aboard lol. I'll take any and all input for sure. But definitely hit me up at the crossroads for sure!
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Re: My 1st XC Race

Post by VTMTcowboy »

Congrats man! It's cool that the midwest offers so many XC style races. Would love to get out and push myself against the clock.
1997 KDX 220
2004 KDX 200
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