Knee Injury Saturday.

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Knee Injury Saturday.

Post by jafo »

Well I got my first semi serious injury on a bike. It all started when I crossed this creek to see what was over there. I found out. It was familiar to me because I've road in there before. It's acluster of small very technical hills all in a small area in the timber. Well here goes. I came to the first hill after crossing the creek. It was not an intimidating hill by any means when you first look at it. It's a semi "V" shaped hill thats pretty flat on both sides meaning nothing protruding from the dirt. At the top of the hill is a tree root about the size of the barrel end of a baseball bat. It's level at the top over the crest but erroded on the hill side of the root. It looked tame compaired to hills I usually climb, that is until I got started up the hill. It was very decieving. It gets kinda steep the higher you get and if you lack momentum, your done as I soon found out. It was 3/4 the way up when the bike bogged down and then I tried to power out of it and the front end shot up alittle and to the rightand fell over. So I was kinda peeved at myself for not making the hill. So I skidded back down and tried it again. This time I got alittle more speed up, to no avail. I got to the same part of the hill and this time I really hit the throttle and the front end came up quick and there went the bike! Hit the root, the bike shot straight up in the air and back down. The bike went kinda backwards bending the rear fender back so far it hit the seat!!!! The bike fell over to the left and played havok with the front fender before sliding back towards me facing down hill upside down!!!! It's at this point that I was really steam'n! I grabbed ahold of the handle bars and tried to upright the bike as soon as possible so the cylinder would'nt flood. I pull on the bike trying to maybe get the rear tire to slide down into the semi V of the hill but the handlebars slipped out of my right hand and the bike slid down and hit the side of my knee. I haerd a dull popping sound and knew it was'nt good. But my short temper won over and I grabbed the bars and tried to move the bike but my knee gave out. So I basically pulled the bike down the hill using the cetner bar on the handlebars. I got her up and it took a few kicks to start but got her going and rode back tot he truck.

I spent 3 1/2 hours in the emergency room to find out that everything was cool with the knee and it was more like a sprain. Funny thing was, it did'nt hurt at all when it happened. just feels kinda funky when it slips around sometimes when I catch it just right, but it's getting better. The doc basically told me to take the Ibuprofen and ice it up as much as possible.

When my knee gets back to 100%, I fully plan on going back and hitting that hill first thing. I gaurentee I'm gonna personaly kick that hill's a$$!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:

I had to re-write this cause the other post got deleted, so some parts may be missing just to cut it alittle shorter.

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Post by KDXer »

Glad theres seems to be no permanent damage. This situation sounds perfect for the SSS on the RB'd carbs. Be sure to let us know once you've kicked its grass.

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Post by KDXGarage »

I am glad you are OK. Do not rush out before it is fully healed. That hill will always be there, so no need to get in a rush and reinjure yourself.
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Post by FLAKDX »


You just convinced me to go spend the money on the Asterrisk braces. I'd rather spend $550.00 every few years than spend 5 minutes in the emergency room with a tore up knee.
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Post by jafo »

I thought about knee braces at one time also. But since this occured from something besides actually crashing the bike, I myself won't buy any knee braces. I like to be as unrestricted as possible. Sine I gouged my elbow on another ride, I could see the reason for elbow guards which I have since purchased. I have hit my elbows manytimes more than my knee's. This last injury I got on my knee was not because of how I ride but my lack of brains. I got in a hurry, lost my temper and did'nt really analise the situation before taking actions. I do plan on wearing a knee support though.

As of right now, it's still wants to swell while I'm at work. So I went to the doctor today to get a second opinion. The knew is stable, he siad I could'nt injure it anymore....... get that, and that it should be good to go in a week or so. If not, it's to the MRI for me. But I think it'll be back in order soon. I do plan on wearing my flexable knee support on that knee the next time out. Any support would be good insurance after this injury.

Jason, I'm more worried about it giving out on me. But it should be fine with some support. I'll give it some time but I'm heading to Chadwick next weekend.... hopefuly. :roll:

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Post by FLAKDX »

Knee braces work. Just because you weren't one the bike don't think it wouldn't have saved you the pain and suffering. From the way you descibed it damn near any knee brace even the cheapo EVS braces would have saved your knee in that situation due to the metal bars that stop over extension. Even though you didn't over extend your knee they would have blocked the impact against the side of your knee. One misconception people have about them is they only save you from hyper extending your knee. The good ones are built like brick s#$^ houses and are silly lightweight. I was amazed at just how much protection they provide.

I did go pickup the Asteriskl braces yesterday and DAMN :shock: are these things sweet. Incredible support and adjustability built in. I'll give a first ride report after this weekend when I head up to north GA for some mountain goat training. :lol:
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Post by hoodoo »

I have had a few street bikes over the years and I would never talk anyone out of ever riding a motorcycle, my only advice to any morotcyclist dirt or street is to wear full gear. For the street it means full head to toe leathers or textile ride gear. Wear it dispite the heat it will save your behind. My last bike was a Kawasaki ZZR 1200 I had a tank slapper happen at 45 mph on a straight road and down I went. My wife was on the back and we walked away, no abrasions, no broken was totaled. The EMT's were blown away that we were not hurt. 2 trauma units were called to the scene, firetruck and was quite the scene but we got out good. I have ridden the ZZR for extended periods at 100 mph plus and have been clocked with our radar gun from work at 170mph. A few guys I know have gone down at 100 and walked away cause of thier gear. Just wear it.
I wear Rockgardn chest and knee protection on the KDX. I wasnt wearing it when I rode my dirt bike before I went down on my street bike but now I dont ride without it. same for my son, no gear, no ride. My veiw of dirt was benign, as in I really wont get hurt riding a dirt bike in the way I ride mine. The first day I wore the Rockgardn gear i dropped the front wheel off a single track that was about a foot wide on a volcanic ridge I was riding on, very steep on both sides. I was crawling along very slowly and I am looking at the veiw and I drop front wheel off and "boom" my knee hit hard on the trail I was just riding on. Without the knee guards My knee would have been injured and I was 12 miles from the truck. Since the first fall with the gear I have had 2 other pretty hard go downs and I get up and walk away. I would rather buy the best gear I can afford than pay 1000 bucks for an ambulance ride and all the other costs of injury. Like Mickey Mantle said: "If I knew I was going to live so long i would have taken better care of myself."
Prepare for accidents with good riding habits, and good gear. the rest is just luck.
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Post by jafo »

I have to agree. But the price of those braces are high. Yes they would be worth the money in the long run but not everyone can afford to get a set..... like me. I pidle my money away on other stuff for the bike. I know, I'm an idiot, but where does it stop? I mean helmet, roost protector, elbow gaurds, knee guards, boots ect. Which I use all but the knee braces. I guess I'm alittle old school. Boots, helmet, jersey, pants and gloves ect. I'm not by any means trying to down play propper protective gear, most of this is necessary to save your life to avoid grave injury. Thinking back to the incident, yeh a knee brace would have saved my knee, but me keeping my head and looking at what was happening around me would have also. An that would'nt have cost me any money. I know, theres always the unforseen. It's an inherantly dangerous pastime. I did'nt get into this thinking I'd never get hurt, it goes with the territory. The braces may be light but to me they still would seem to me to be restrictive. To me, part of safe riding is being comfortable, but I'll be waiting to check out the report on the knee braces with interest.

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Post by FLAKDX »

LOL I bet that emergency room visit cost as much as the knee braces do. :eek:

J/K Jafo.

I wouldn't have spent the cash either but I just can't take the chance of an ACL or blown out knee injury. I racked up 35K worth of med bills back whenI broke both my wrists. No Insurance and racing SX equal :rolleyes: A little bit older and allot wiser now with insurance (and AFLAC LOL) I'll spend more on safety gear than I will on Suspension and Motor mods but thats just me.
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Post by jafo »

:lol: :lol: :lol: Actually it probably would have. I got a PPO insurance so it only hit me for like $20 co pay. :mrgreen:

I understand. It's all about priorities, and everyone has diofferent ones. I'll probably regret what I'm say now , down the road a few years. :lol: I feel totally jinxed now. :lol: I'll be so pereniod riding the next time out I'll look like a 95 year old man on my bike. I'll have to get out my lucky rabbits foot and my fake four leaf clover now. :shock:

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Post by Indawoods »

How's the knee doing now Jon?
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Post by jafo »

I rode yesterday and it kind of hurt on big jumps until I got warmed up good. Then me and a buddy hit the trails. Even with new trails, we rode faster than I ever had. Knee held up great. I got faster as we went along. My buddy is usually faster than me but not yesterday. I could have passed him a bunch of times. Though he might not have been pushing it, I don't know. We were flying!!!!!!!!!!!! :supz: I bet I had the front wheel off the ground half the time. Trails were almost perfect. Just not enough of them. We did alittle over 25 miles before I broke my clutch handle. My buddy done an endo over the bar hard and got his leg pinched inbetween the gas tank and bars bad. He rode the rest of the day though,,,, tough guy. He hit one of those mud holes that was skim dry on top making it look like dry dirt but was soft under. Me, I tested my knee twice under deress. First we were hauling on this fast straight trail and hit a bunch of ruts and the front wheel went left and the rear wheel went right. Twisted both legs up but all was good. Then we hit what my buddy was starting to call the "widow maker". It's a long erroded rut about a foot wide, and 3 to 5 foot deep. It's a peg grabber. Tou have to hit this spider web of tree roots before you have to shoot to the right of the rut to get by. You could'nt ease through, you have to hit it hard to make it or you will slide rightinto the rut. Well I made it by there maybe 10 times no prob. The last time did'nt work so well. My rear wheel hit the rut and I gassed the bike and it shot up into a small tree and knocked me over into the rut with the bike. That got to my bad knee alittle but I shook it off. Reched up to grab the clutch and it was gone! There it was on the ground. Sucked. I wanted to keep riding.

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Post by KDX200Kev »

Sounds to me like you may of torn your ACL. If your knee gives out again then you should be concerned. The dull popping sound you described is typically the sound of an ACL tearing. I tore my ACL and surgery was the only option to get it back to normal. I found that only an expert in the field of knee's could confirm if I tore it. If your doctor did an MRI then I would trust that analyses.
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Post by jafo »

The E room doc told me that the popping sound from my knee was the cartilage being swolen and inerfearing with my knee joint parts, not his words but kinda what he said.

Mt knee is real weak, should have probablt not gone riding to Chadwick last weekend. It was getting better until I twisted the knee this time. Last time the bike hit thew side of it. It does better when I stay off of it. The swelling goes down quite abit but when I get home from work, it's swollen up pretty good. I'm to the point that if I don't notice improvement by the middle of this week, I'm going back to get the MRI done. They just took an x-ray at the E room. Both doctors tested my knee and sent it through numerous bends and they both felt it was very stable. When I say it gives out I think it's more me letting it give out because of catching it certain ways. I get a shot of pain. It feels sore on the front and back of the knee right in the center part where my catilage is. But if it does'nt improve I'm going back. I gotta get this healed by at least October 2nd for a hare scramble I want to run.

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Post by skipro3 »

As a ski instructor and with training in emergency medicine in a non-rural environment, I would trust the 2 doctors and what they told you. I really doubt you blew out your ACL. I've seen dozens and dozens of ACL injuries every season. Your injury sounds much less serious. Maybe a torn meniscus. (That's cartilage. An ACL is a ligament) While torn cartilage can require surgury, it's very minor with small incisions. Usually the patient is back to full function in as little as a week or so. Ligaments require much longer to heal due to little blood flow to the injury. An MRI will tell for certain what the damage is. Have a radiologist read the results for diagnosis.

Good luck with mending Jon. If it turns out your doc recommends giving up dirt bikes, I'll be there to take that nasy beast off your hands. No charge, just pay for shipping to California.

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Post by jafo »

skipro3 wrote:Good luck with mending Jon. If it turns out your doc recommends giving up dirt bikes, I'll be there to take that nasy beast off your hands. No charge, just pay for shipping to California.

Oh boy, you kill me!! :razz: If I pay for the shipping to your place, your gonna have to add a room to your house. Cause the bikes gonna have a big appendage with it...................... me. :shock:

I asked the doc in the E room about that. I figured I would not have gotten up and rode the bike out if I'd have torn a ligament. I've seen a few of those happen and they are extremley painful. But I was'nt certain at the time because I have a pretty high threshhold of pain. I'll ride when most guys would hang it up. I could go right out tomorrow and ride but i know I could'nt stay off something nasty or ride to slow. I'd wind up like at Chadwick last weekend and twist my knee again and have to start back at square one whith healing. I put ice on the front of my knee then the back switching back and forth for about 15 to 20 min. Then I put the electric heat pad on high and warm it back up for about 30 min. to 45 min. front and back of the knee after the ice pack. It works extremely well. You have to use the heat right after the ice though. I tried just ice and it just does'nt work as well. The ice will take down most of the swelling and the heat improve blood circulation to help heal. Today was the first day all week that my calf has'nt been swollen all day. It's starting to feel decent. I noticed myself not limping on occasion for the first time in several weeks. But it's still tender in there. I figure I have a at least 3 to 4 more weeks of this to be 100% After today I have noticed big improvements in the knee. I may start working it lightly tomorrow and see what happens. The knee is still week. I think it sprained the ligimants and thats whats making it weak and feel like it wants to give out sometimes. It has'nt put me on the ground just hurts when you catch it wrong.

Guys, I can't thank you all enough for letting me chew on your ear about this. Talking to my wife about it is like talking to my doc about it. They look at you like, you idiot. Stay off the bike an you won't get hurt. They just don't understand. Never will.

I liken it to when I used to drag race cars. I told my wife one time that I hade bought another engine. She's like, why? You just put this one in, why do you want this other one? Well .....dear........ it has twice the power. I just got that blank stare. :?
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Post by KDXer »

A females view:

If it costs more money or makes more power you are going to get hurt worse. All the power mods I've done got that reponse. Heck even upgrades like suspension work / upgrade to KX and steering damper have both copped the "Why do you need to make it any faster" comment. :roll:

Haven't they heard of compulsary saftey features. :partyman:

I think your right Jon they will just never understand. :lol:

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Post by skipro3 »

KAY DEE EXER wrote:A females view: "Why do you need to make it any faster" :roll:

I think your right Jon they will just never understand. :lol:

I think she's subliminally trying to tell you something Trev. :shock:

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Post by jafo »

It sure does'nt keep them from bragging about you when they get in a group of people and they find out about other guys even girls actually ride! Especially when the girls are HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aint nothin hotter than a good looking girl that hangs it out on a bike! Whoooooooooooooooo-Yehhh!!!!!! :supz: :supz: :supz: I think I got married to soon!!!!!!!!!! :roll:
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Post by KDXer »

skipro3 wrote:I think she's subliminally trying to tell you something Trev. :shock:
I hope not, it was mainly my mother that said it !!! :shock: :blink:

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