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Sore Knees.

Posted: 10:18 am Nov 25 2004
by jafo
I have a condition mainly on my left leg where most of the cartlige on the backside of my knee cap is gone. It rubbs the leg bones and get real sore after riding or anything else thats physicaly demanding. Does anyone else here have sore knees or a condition like this or similar? I was wondering what they do before riding to keep the pain to a minimal. For me the pain does'nt really hit me until the next morning after waking up. Do any of you use a knee brace, if so what kind? I was looking at those expensive braces that are around $600, but man that a chunk of change for a knee brace.


Posted: 10:25 am Nov 25 2004
by Indawoods
This doesn't help with the brace part... but in the past I have immediately iced down the problem area and taken some anti-inflammatory medicine, i.e... aspirin, Tylenol etc... seems to help the next day. Those knee braces are high dollar, but I think Rocky Mountain sells some models that are a lot cheaper. They may not be as good, I don't know... but I would check their site.

Posted: 04:34 pm Nov 25 2004
by jafo
Sounds good, I went and bought a knee support today, not a brace though it does brace somewhat, it more an elastic supporter. I'll see if that works and if not , guess it's the ice pack and ibeuprofin.

Posted: 08:27 pm Nov 25 2004
by Indawoods
Use an Ace bandage to hold the ice pack on your knee... that way you can still do what you gotta do without removing it! :lol:

Posted: 09:14 pm Nov 25 2004
by jafo
My physical therapist told me one time to mix like 80% water and 20% rubbing alcohol in a good ziplock baggy and put it in the freezer. That way it freezes to a slushy consistancy not totally frozen. I used it on my knee one time and found that it's a good idea to put a towel between your skin and the bag. I put this pack on my knee without the towel the first time I tried it and almost frost bit my kneecap! It took about a 1/2 hr. to 45 min. to get the feeling back in my skin. Scared me to death! These packs are great because they will conform to the joint you put it on, pretty effective, just don't leave it on for a long preoid of time. It seemed alot colder than just ice to me.


Posted: 03:28 pm Nov 27 2004
by skipro3
I've tried the Web carbon fiber brace and the Asterisk. Both exasperated the problem. Then I took Viox. That worked great!!!! But now they tell me it causes cancer. I've been taking over the counter anti-infamitories and they are doing the trick for now. Probably because the viox is still in my system. Talk to your doctor or othopedic surgeon. Then follow their advice. Good luck!
P.S. If you want, try the Asterisk brace. They have a 30 day no questions asked refund policy. If they work, then try and get your doctor to write a prescription.

Posted: 03:43 pm Nov 27 2004
by jafo
I went up and bought an el-cheapo ($25.00) knee brace/ support. It covers the first 1/3 of your lower thigh, has a hole for your knee cap to fit through, and goes down your leg past your knee and covers the first 1/3 of the upper calf. It has velcro straps to adjust the support. I went out yesterday and road pretty hard, caught alot of air, alot of woods trail riding through creeks and hill climbing in all the muddy conditions. Very slick trails yesterday! Alot of using your legs to keep the bike upright, climbed some rocks ect. By now, my knee would normally be swollen and have sharp pain right at the kneecap. It feels pretty good today and is not swollen! I did take some Ibuprofen this morniing, but that was for my sore shoulderblade area, and butt muscles. My knee is good though. I think the support/brace helped. It felt more stable yesterday also.


Posted: 02:42 pm Sep 02 2005
by Green Hornet
jafo wrote:My physical therapist told me one time to mix like 80% water and 20% rubbing alcohol in a good ziplock baggy and put it in the freezer. That way it freezes to a slushy consistancy not totally frozen. It seemed alot colder than just ice to me.

Great Idea to pass along, I'll have to remember and use this pack

Posted: 11:15 pm Sep 02 2005
by jafo
One word of caution with that mix G.H., you can't leave it on very long. I thought I gave myself frostbite after leaving it on to long. It took about 10 minutes to get the feeling back in my skin. Scared the hell out of me. So if you try this, be sure to either wrap it in a thin cloth and or don't leave it on to long. I started to put it on for a few minutes then take it off, repeating this for about 20 minutes. Still took the swelling out but did'nt give me near frostbite. Follow it up with a heat pad. The heat improves circualtion and helps in healing but you have to get some of the swelling out first.


Posted: 11:49 pm Sep 02 2005
by KDXer
I have used what Vince mention in one of his posts about Vodka. Same deal mix Vodka and water in a ziplock bag. When I ice anything I have always done 10mins on and 10 mins off for as long as I could bare. I ussually wrap it in a thin tea towel.

Posted: 08:11 am Sep 03 2005
by Green Hornet
KAY DEE EXER wrote:I have used what Vince mention in one of his posts about Vodka. Same deal mix Vodka and water in a ziplock bag. When I ice anything I have always done 10mins on and 10 mins off for as long as I could bare. I ussually wrap it in a thin tea towel.
Then you can drink it when your done. Damm, edible ice pack :rolleyes:

Posted: 08:58 am Sep 03 2005
by KDXer
Yep its an anti-inflammatory and an anaesthetic what more could anyone want. :lol:

Posted: 06:05 pm Sep 04 2005
by jafo
I gotta ask. K.D., what is that short clip from in your signature?


Posted: 10:44 pm Sep 04 2005
by KDXer
If wish I knew, just a random clip if found whilst out trolling. I wish even more so that I could find the footage from the camera man in the top left corner. Priceless... :lol:

Posted: 08:36 pm Sep 12 2005
by jackpiner57
In addition to the other recommendations, I suggest taking ibuprofen for the pain and inflammation. Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate are the bodies natural joint lubes.

Here is a link: ... atdotheydo

Posted: 10:11 pm Sep 12 2005
by jafo
Yes I've been taking anti inflamitories for the last two months. I got off of them for awhile because most of the pain is gone now, but it still swells if I'm on my feet. I also take glucosamine tabs everyday, I've been taking those long before this happened also. I've had cronic knee problems since my highschool days. The glucosamine is kinda pricey but after taking it for awhile it did help with my knees and the swelling. I found a glucosamine tab that also is an inti inflamitory. It did'nt seem to work on the anti inflamitory part so I've stopped taking those and back to the regular stuff. Thanks for dropping a line though. :mrgreen:
