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April or May Hatfield & McCoy Riding Trip

Posted: 02:08 pm Jan 08 2010
by Jeb
Hey you all, take a look at your calendars and start thinking about a riding trip to Hatfield & McCoy in WV. We've done this for 2 years and both times it was a good time, even last year when it rained a bunch.

Someone had suggested Memorial day weekend. Any other suggestions? Let's get the discussion rolling . . .

Posted: 06:09 pm Jan 08 2010
by KDX Butterfly
I'm game if I can get the ol' man to go. I will know more as it gets closer to that time. I'll bring the ol' tent and the McGyver phone battery charger!!! :supz: :lol: I already have time scheduled off for Memorial Day weekend.

Posted: 12:08 am Jan 10 2010
by KDX Butterfly
Hope others post ... otherwise, it's just you and me, Jeb! :lol: at least i know i'll make it down the hill!

Posted: 08:57 am Jan 10 2010
by Varmint
I'm lurking... waiting for details.

Posted: 02:47 pm Jan 10 2010
by Rick
You know I'm game to go, just not on Memorial Day weekend. Party plans ya know!

Posted: 06:38 pm Jan 10 2010
by it175
I am also interested. Just firm up the dates. Have a freind who would go but, rides only 4 wheels. :shock: Would that be a problem. Or would he be treated like a bastard child. :lol:

Posted: 07:15 pm Jan 10 2010
by Jeb
No problem for him to come ride with us but there's a reasonable chance he may end up having other's stuff strapped to his ride! Which may actually work out fairly well, he'll miss the singe track though.

Generally there's a bigger chance for precipitation in April than May and May is about the best month you'll get in the late spring for temps.

I believe they have "events" on Memorial day weekend, for the record. Like quads turn out in droves a good many of which are rented by people that don't actually ride that much. That's the only downside I see.

So everyone that's interested propose their favorite two weekends. 'Doesn't have to be in May. We'll see if we get some common overlap. If not, we'll "negotiate"

Here's my two: both are Friday to Sunday, May 7-9 and May 21-23. Drive in Thursday afternoon, ride Fri thorugh Sun (stay 3 nights, Thursday through Saturday). I'm not opposed to a different weekend but I hope to be racing the weekend of May 15th.

Posted: 07:31 pm Jan 10 2010
by Jeb
One more thing, we'll need to think about which trail system. It would be cool to do something different. Last year it was Bearwallow, the year before Browning Fork (Rockhouse). We already know that Bearwallow drains well if it's wet and that Browning Fork will get slippery but that Rockhouse has more options on accomodations.

But I'm wondering about some of the other trail systems . . .
  • I've been to Little Coal and it's OK but a bit small, I'd suggest it if we had a bunch of youngins.

    Pinnacle Creek has nearly 80 miles of trail with a fairly good mixture of difficulties. I see both camping and cabins.

    Indian Ridge has more like 70 miles of trail. I see both camping and cabins.
Another thought - camp or stay somewhere "in between" the trails systems and hit different ones each day![/list]

Posted: 12:24 pm Jan 11 2010
by Varmint
Jeb, since you've been to a few and most likely would like to hit something new, then narrow it down to Pinnacle Creek and Indian Ridge.

My $0.02 - Looking at those two it looks like Indian Ridge has more for us two wheelers (less green trails and more single track). I like the idea of some where in between to hit both!

Can you explain the terrain differences of green, blue, black? Easiest, more difficult, and most difficult are relative. My guess is:
green=fire roads
black=trail riding :supz:

Posted: 06:48 am Jan 12 2010
by KDX Butterfly
virtual varmint, i am only allowed to do the green trails, and some of those Inda won't let me ride. (Although Jeb has every faith in me that I can, the brother-in-law says no.)

Just so you all know, I have (already) decided against going. I don't want to slow anyone's good time down. PLUS, I think I am going to actually try to get my kitchen floor laid. Been waiting for that opportunity for quite some time.

Happy trails! :supz:

Posted: 10:16 pm Jan 12 2010
by Rick
Ahh, dont be like that K! We enjoyed having you and Vince with us last year. You didnt slow anybody down. With a big group, people can split off and do different things. Everybodys happy! Too bad it rained so much....but i still had a blast! I was hoping you would bring the rest of the clan this year......

Posted: 10:29 pm Jan 12 2010
by Indawoods
I don't know who you are going to hook your kitchen floor up with getting laid but I would love to go.... just depends on finances and the job situation.

Posted: 10:34 pm Jan 12 2010
by Rick
I was laughing my @ss off when I read her post V! I guess all guys really do have the same thoughts! It would be awesome if you could make it. Come one, come all!

Posted: 11:30 pm Jan 12 2010
by KDX Butterfly
Why do you think i posted that way, ya damn fools ya!!!

Rick, re-read your last post! roflmfao!!!!!

Posted: 09:16 am Jan 13 2010
by Varmint
Rick wrote:I was laughing my @ss off when I read her post V! I guess all guys really do have the same thoughts! It would be awesome if you could make it. Come one, come all!
After her post, I typed, "You said 'laid'!" but then I backed it off. Now I guess I typed it.

I'm only one vote but the earlier May dates work better for me.

Posted: 05:38 pm Jan 13 2010
by Jeb
Green - easy
Blue - more difficult
Black - most difficult
Extreme - extreme difficult

A trails rating is supposedly based on the worst section, could have all but a 30 yard section be "blue" with that short piece being "black" and it would be considered a "black" trail.

At this point we have two weekends suggested:

May 7-9
May 21-23

Let's give it a week or so so that others can suggest weekends then we'll "vote" on it . . .

sound OK?

Posted: 02:06 pm Jan 24 2010
Wow this post is weeks old and I just seen it.
I'm should be in except Memorial weekend, plus it would be
a nightmare with all the quads.

May 21-23 works for me

Posted: 05:33 pm Jan 24 2010
by Rick
What do you all think? May 21-23? Input Stephanie......... :wink:

Posted: 08:33 am Jan 25 2010
by Jeb
Stephanie . . . ?

Posted: 08:39 am Jan 25 2010
by Rick
Sorry Jim...... it was a quote from the movie Short Circuit. Johny 5 Alive! Need input Stephanie! More Input! A lame attempt at a joke I guess.. :?