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What would be the proper technique

Posted: 06:15 pm Jan 19 2008
by blimpman
This is a muddy, rocky, steep downhill section at a Harescramble event I saw last year. Most of the guys rode down it with the rear wheel locked and sat forward on the seat. Some almost ate it because of too much weight forward I think. How should you attempt this section? BTW, the camera does not do justice to the steepness and rockiness of this hill.

Posted: 06:21 pm Jan 19 2008
by scheckaet
How should you attempt this section
I would sit as far back as I can, 1 st gear, hard on the break but not too hard as to not lose rear traction, and both feet on the pegs to soak up the bumps

Posted: 07:46 pm Jan 19 2008
by Colorado Mike
hehehheee. Ok, camera angle not withstanding, here's how you handle that kind of downhill. Come to Colorado and ride the trails above Leadville. Coming from the ridgelines down to near town, you drop from about 13,400', to around 10,000' in pretty much one shot. the first time you do it, you'll boil out your brake fluid and have no rear brake (I did). Then you'll get smarter. Do it another couple times and when you go back to that thing, you'll just jump over those guys while they putt down that little hill.

An alternate plan, on a short hill like that, is just gas it down there. Under power the bike handles better than if you're sliding around braking and bobbling all over the place. Learn to use your front brake on down hills. No doubt you can crash easy, but you need to learn to modulate it and practice taking it to lock up, then backing off. It'll give you a ton of confidence when you master it. :supz:

Posted: 08:12 pm Jan 19 2008
by skipro3
I agree; attack it with weight back....wayyyyy back. Stay off the brakes and use motor to control descent in a low gear. Slip the clutch to keep the rear wheel spinning and to help with speed control; either speeding up or slowing down.

Posted: 08:19 pm Jan 19 2008
by kawagumby
If there's a bunch of guys around you who are struggling and semi-out of control, it may not be a good idea to gas it, as you won't be able to change your direction quickly in muddy conditions (unless you have a clear shot with a good run-out at the bottom). If the mud is clay-based and slippery, you can't be downhill hero and expect to survive every run; if it's loamy-firm that's another story. This is where grabbing the bike with your knees and inner thighs gives you the ability to keep that CG low (lightly sitting) and centered on the bike so you can modulate the brakes to keep them from locking (more control if the wheel is rolling). Also, if you're centered, the bike front suspension still has some available travel for control. If you're not using the handlebars mostly as a way to hold you back they remain easier to move to control the bike. Buy a Thighmaster and become one with a Jane Fonda workout tape. :lol:

Posted: 10:48 am Jan 20 2008
by KDXSean
Be more fun to go up wouldn't it?

Posted: 05:25 pm Jan 20 2008
by blimpman
KDXSean wrote:Be more fun to go up wouldn't it?

Posted: 06:19 pm Jan 20 2008
by firffighter
I watched the video and was wondering where the hill was? Just kidin' . In Western Oregon that would be a nice section to rest on!

Gotta be on the pegs, off the seat, weight back over back of seat, no brakes, and looking forward. Many on the video were opposite this and made it down sliding and out of control.

Posted: 12:46 am May 05 2008
by Mr. Clean
Heh, ya I have to agree with firfighter. No disrespect, but thats not really a hill. 2nd or 3rd gear, off throttle or on bit whichever, and you are through there in about 2 seconds. Lots of those riders had there feet off the pegs, out of control. Shift your weight a bit back, don't lock the rear brake, stand on the pegs and let the bike work.
The bottom is a slow left hander, no need for low gear anywhere.
Just my 2 cents.

Posted: 12:49 am Dec 23 2010
by curtisa
Standing, weight back, on pegs, squeezing with your legs. The guys in the vid were squids.