Stegs Pegs

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Stegs Pegs

Post by KDF200X »

Hay all.
Finally got the chance to go out riding on dirt instead of snow this last weekend.

This gave me the chance to actually do some testing of these things. I was hopeful going in and wasn't disappointed. They tuck in so close to the airbox that the brackets aren't grabbing at you but the pucks stand proud (~.5 in., ~13mm) and are there as soon as you go to lean into them.

Typically I don't hug the frame with my legs (contact but not applying any pressure) and the Stegs Pegs aren't in the way. When you get ready to climb a hill just assume the position and it's like standing on your tip toes with your boots glued to the bike. Same with lifting the front wheel over deadfall, preload and then an immediate toe press.

Final observation that I had heard nothing about during my research. While riding down a deep mud straight away the @$$ end sweeping to and fro, I noticed that if you could stay standing the pucks would act like a hinge stopper against your calf and limit the sideways travel of the rear end.

These were a real shot in the dark for me but I am content with the purchase at this point. Have fun and ride safe.
'86 Kdx200/ '04 Kx250f - hybrid
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Re: Stegs Pegs

Post by KDXGarage »

Cool review. Thanks for letting us know.
Thank you for participating on :bravo:
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